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ニュース NEWS ANN テレビ朝日 テレ朝 tvasahi TV ASAHI 被災地 新成人 成人式
今年初のお点前「裏千家」で初釜式 京都(12/01/07)

今年初のお点前「裏千家」で初釜式 京都(12/01/07)

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ニュース NEWS ANN テレビ朝日 テレ朝 tvasahi TV ASAHI 大熊英司 島根県沖 遭難 北朝鮮 男性 海上保安庁 保護 巡視船 美保湾 停泊 脱北 木造船
Huntsman's daughters on the frontlines for their dad

Huntsman's daughters on the frontlines for their dad

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CBS Evening News - Is fracking causing earthquakes in Ohio?

CBS Evening News - Is fracking causing earthquakes in Ohio?

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Reporter flipped by sled during news report [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Reporter flipped by sled during news report [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

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沖縄・石垣市議ら4人 尖閣諸島・魚釣島に上陸(12/01/03)

沖縄・石垣市議ら4人 尖閣諸島・魚釣島に上陸(12/01/03)

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The ascent of Alex Honnold

The ascent of Alex Honnold

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SAT cheat turned tutor?

SAT cheat turned tutor?

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The Perfect Score: Cheating on the SAT

The Perfect Score: Cheating on the SAT

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CBS Evening News - On the Road: The lost art of thank you notes

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The Early Show - Teen posts YouTube message days before death

The Early Show - Teen posts YouTube message days before death

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