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Obama Honors Veterans

Obama Honors Veterans

CBS News
Obama Veteran Ft. Hood cbsfthood President Tomb Unkown Soldier Arlington Grave Iraq Afghanistan Troop Military
Unplugged: Guarding The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier

Unplugged: Guarding The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier

CBS News
washington unplugged youtube tomb of the unknown soldier veteran's day
'Precious' Star Shines

'Precious' Star Shines

CBS News
cbs early show Gabourey Sidibe gabby precious movie film drama oscar interview
Navratilova Slams Tennis Doping System

Navratilova Slams Tennis Doping System

CBS News
cbs early show 60 minutes andre agassi martina navratilova tennis doping system slams hingis
"Precious" Star's Unusual Path

"Precious" Star's Unusual Path

CBS News
Precious Katie Couric Movie Oprah Tyler Perry Monique Harlem Star Celebrity Interview
Fort Hood Suspect: 'Allahu Akbar'

Fort Hood Suspect: 'Allahu Akbar'

CBS News
cbs early show hood general fort bob cone interview shooting texas details breaking news
13 Killed in Fort Hood Tragedy

13 Killed in Fort Hood Tragedy

CBS News
fort hood texas surveillance video Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan kill wound 13 30 cbs early show don teague
McCain-Palin 'Civil War'

McCain-Palin 'Civil War'

CBS News
cbs early show sarah palin palin mccain
Fauci Defends H1N1 Vaccine

Fauci Defends H1N1 Vaccine

CBS News
cbsH1N1 h1n1 virus swine flu pregnancy
Addicted to Exercise

Addicted to Exercise

CBS News
dr. jennifer ashton health cali carlin
Anvil's Away!

Anvil's Away!

CBS News
Assignment America Anvil Talent Trade
Charlie Daniels Band's 'In America'

Charlie Daniels Band's 'In America'

CBS News
cbs early show in america performance