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Shakira On Being Sexy

Shakira On Being Sexy

CBS News
katie couric
Shakira On Her Famous Hips

Shakira On Her Famous Hips

CBS News
katie couric
After 30 Years...Tom Petty Still Rocks

After 30 Years...Tom Petty Still Rocks

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Time Traveler Sabotage?

Time Traveler Sabotage?

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Susan Boyle: Fame is 'Humbling'

Susan Boyle: Fame is 'Humbling'

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White House Party Crashers

White House Party Crashers

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Largest Toyota Recall Ever

Largest Toyota Recall Ever

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Adam Lambert's Mom Speaks

Adam Lambert's Mom Speaks

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23-Year Coma Confusion

23-Year Coma Confusion

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Steamed Over Bikini Baristas

Steamed Over Bikini Baristas

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Love And Sex With Robots

Love And Sex With Robots

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The Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge

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