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Drinking Age Debate

Drinking Age Debate

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CBS News 60 Minutesm Lesley Stahl Drinking Age U.S. 18 21 M.A.D.D College Alcohol Poisoning Liquor Beer
Preview: The Mascot

Preview: The Mascot

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Jewish Nazis Nazi Mascot 60 Minutes
Chimp Given Xanax

Chimp Given Xanax

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michelle gielan xanax chimp travis mauling berserk
Mia's Miracle Transformation

Mia's Miracle Transformation

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mia's miracle transformation mia behrens adopted
411 On Octuplets' Father

411 On Octuplets' Father

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411 on octuplet's father octuplets grandma
Obama Signs Stimulus Plan

Obama Signs Stimulus Plan

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president obama barack economic stimulus
Oscar 2009 On DVD

Oscar 2009 On DVD

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dvd movies oscar nominated nominations 2009 dalton
Chimp Severely Mauls Woman

Chimp Severely Mauls Woman

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chimp stanford ct connecticut woman maul mauling
The Real Slumdog Millionaire

The Real Slumdog Millionaire

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CBS News Evening Seth Doane Slumdog
World Of Trouble

World Of Trouble

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CBS News 60 Minutes Scott Pelley World Savings Paul Bishop Mortgages Predatory Lending Housing Market
Buy American

Buy American

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CBS News 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl U.S. Steel Economic Stimulus Government Buy American Nucor Mississippi River
Exclusive: Making New From Old

Exclusive: Making New From Old

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nucor steel recycled lesley stahl 60 minutes