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石原知事VS野田総理 「国に尖閣上陸許可求める」(12/04/27)

石原知事VS野田総理 「国に尖閣上陸許可求める」(12/04/27)

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Signs of a turnaround in foreclosure market

Signs of a turnaround in foreclosure market

CBS News
foreclosure home housing market house buy sell turnaround recovery recession loan repay interest
Waterboarding the mastermind of 9/11

Waterboarding the mastermind of 9/11

CBS News
waterboard torture mastermind khalid sheik mohammed question interrogation speak kill information jose rodriguez 60 minutes
Storm the weather dog steals spotlight

Storm the weather dog steals spotlight

Global News
Storm the weather dog Global Toronto Leslie Roberts
Dog returned

Dog returned

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dog pets
Top principal

Top principal

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news principal Canada best
Mighty middle

Mighty middle

Global News
Metrolinx light rail transit plan news Toronto
Sick Kids thief

Sick Kids thief

Global News
theft SickKids hospital thief
12-year-old charged

12-year-old charged

Global News
arrest handgun school
Prom spending

Prom spending

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Flabby chest

Flabby chest

Global News
chest men