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Crosby, Stills & Nash perform "Teach Your Children"

Crosby, Stills & Nash perform "Teach Your Children"

CBS News
crosby stills nash teach your children david stephen graham ctm saturday cbs this morning rebecca jarvis anthony mason
What does your dog say about your sex life?

What does your dog say about your sex life?

CBS News
dog pets sex life breeds bulldog german shepard lab sexuality attraction rebecca jarvis anthony mason ctm cbs this morning saturday
Historic Title IX turns 40

Historic Title IX turns 40

CBS News
cbsepisode bille Jean King title ix girls women tennis sports mia hamm soccer football cbs
What is "Fast and Furious?"

What is "Fast and Furious?"

CBS News
fast furious atf agent gunwalking gun run mexico trafficker border operation drug cartel eric holder atorney general congress contempt
Fugitive airman emerges after 28 years on the run

Fugitive airman emerges after 28 years on the run

CBS News
cbsepisode david hemler air force most wanted fugitive 28 years run stocholm sweden cbs
Marco Rubio: A GOP rising star

Marco Rubio: A GOP rising star

CBS News
cbsepisode cbs sunday morning marco rubio senate tea party romney vice president florida hispanic vote conservative cbs2012
Alcatraz "escape," 50 years later

Alcatraz "escape," 50 years later

CBS News
alcatraz escape the rock John Anglin Clarence Frank Morris anniversary cbs
Famed journalist on being an illegal immigrant

Famed journalist on being an illegal immigrant

CBS News
cbsepisode journalist illegal immigrant jose antonio vargas defineamerican.com time magazine cbs
Betty White at the White House, meets Bo

Betty White at the White House, meets Bo

CBS News
cbsepisode washington unplugged betty white bo the dog at house meeting obama golden girls hollywood wuclips
Former Greek PM: Time running out on debt crisis

Former Greek PM: Time running out on debt crisis

CBS News
greece debt crisis greek pm prime minister george papandreou interview solve europe euro zone money global economy u.s.
Harvard-bound N.C. teen overcomes obstacles

Harvard-bound N.C. teen overcomes obstacles

CBS News
harvard teen college custodian work dawn parent leave abandon motivation n.c. overcome obstacle burns high school application succeed graduate
Presidents add humor to presidential portrait unveiling

Presidents add humor to presidential portrait unveiling

CBS News
president portrait george w. bush humor unveil painting joke white house obama decorate history tradition