회원가입 로그인


Entertainment Desk - Sharon Lois & Bram - Mrs. Fogarty's Christmas Cake

Entertainment Desk - Sharon Lois & Bram - Mrs. Fogarty's Christmas Cake

Global News
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Daycares and overweight children

Daycares and overweight children

Global News
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Global National - Hydro pole left in middle of Quebec highway

Global National - Hydro pole left in middle of Quebec highway

Global News
Global News Global Television Global TV \hydro pole in road\
50-year-old rare scotch

50-year-old rare scotch

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이동)정호조 군수 인터뷰 2012-1120-5

이동)정호조 군수 인터뷰 2012-1120-5

2012 1120 5
이동)평화산업단지, 철원이 최적지(R) 2012-1120-3

이동)평화산업단지, 철원이 최적지(R) 2012-1120-3

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철원.. 교통 숙원사업 여전히 많다(R) 2012-1120-2

철원.. 교통 숙원사업 여전히 많다(R) 2012-1120-2

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2012 winter weather forecast for Ontario and Canada

2012 winter weather forecast for Ontario and Canada

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Nelly Furtado will perform at Niagara Falls New Year's Eve bash

Nelly Furtado will perform at Niagara Falls New Year's Eve bash

Global News
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Historian on the real story behind Thanksgiving

Historian on the real story behind Thanksgiving

CBS News
cbsepisode thanksgiving holiday facts questions answers feast meal tradition pilgrims indians native americans turkey national give thanks eat dpst cbsholidays 2012 cbsholidays2012 celebrations traditions
끝없는 계 사기(R) 2012-1119-5

끝없는 계 사기(R) 2012-1119-5

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강원도 공약, "곰탕이 따로 없다"(R) 2012-1119-2

강원도 공약, "곰탕이 따로 없다"(R) 2012-1119-2

2012 1119 2